Laugh and the World Laughs With You.

Cry and you are just a pain in the butt to be around.

This website ( is primarily for me to post opinions, rants and miscellaneous essays that will make the world a better place.[1]They will make the world a better place at a minimum by allowing me to vent about annoyances and then calm down.

I also occasionally update two sites that exist just so that I can give a chuckle to two or three of my friends.[2]Two or three friends also describes the total readership of said sites.

The first site I started was (aka NQP). In thirty years in and around a Fortune500 company, I had read some ridiculous, insane and contradictory statements from the pens of management, HR, marketing and other corporate minions. I had also generated my fair share of said ridiculous, insane and contradictory statements as a corporate minion. Once I was freed from the chains that bound me to the company,[3]And my 401K was successfully converted to an IRA I was able to create a website that said some of the things that I wish companies would actually send in their memos, press announcements, etc. It does not get many updates at this point but I am always looking for real-world examples that need to be exposed to some (intermittently) funny commentary.

I am pretty sure they cannot fire me now.


The second site was (aka NQN). As I mentioned above, NQP resulted from me trying to clean off some of the layers of corporate BS that had been dumped on my peers and me. NQN came about after I began to spend less time working and more time reading and digesting news, commentaries and popular “culture”. I started NQN when I wanted to take a shot at some items that just did not fit into any category that a corporation would cover unless they were a news organization. Given that the barriers to entry are so low (possibly non-existant), I created my own fake news site before fake news was even a thing. I should have trademarked it when I had the chance. I guess that is why my other business venture remains not quite profitable to this day.

If you find something funny at either of these sites, let me know. Like everyone on the internet, I crave positive reinforcement.[4]I would be a narcissist if I wasn’t so cognizant of my own deficiencies.


1 They will make the world a better place at a minimum by allowing me to vent about annoyances and then calm down.
2 Two or three friends also describes the total readership of said sites.
3 And my 401K was successfully converted to an IRA
4 I would be a narcissist if I wasn’t so cognizant of my own deficiencies.

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