Give yourself an early present

You‘re worth much more, but for the next few days((Kindle sale is for September 19 through the 26th)), this Kindle ebook is only 99¢. Adjusted for inflation that is probably even less, but I don’t feel like looking it up right now. Take my word for it, it‘s a bargain.

This is your chance to grab a copy of the bestselling book((Zen and the Art of Christmas Letters is the bestselling book ever written about holiday letters with “Zen” in the title. As far as I can tell anyway.)) for next to nothing. You‘d spend more money on the tip at your favorite restaurant—assuming you could go to your favorite restaurant right now. Since you can‘t, you might as well buy a copy of this book. I guarantee you will find it to be both more humorous and less fattening than a visit to your favorite restaurant which we‘ve already established, you cannot do((The word “guarantee” means many things to many people. In this case, I do not mean I am making a legally binding commitment you will enjoy this book. More like I really hope you will. In any case, don’t hold me to it.)).

Once you see how entertaining it is, I‘m sure you‘ll want to leave a positive review and then buy copies of the paperback for all of your friends and loved ones. I cannot see how this could happen, but if you decide it is not an incredibly funny book, you have the option of buying copies for all of the people you can’t stand, but feel obligated to send them something each Christmas. I would prefer that you like it, but a sale is a sale.

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